
Simple test of LilyGO T-Motion hardware circuit

Primary LanguageC++



Simple test of LilyGO T-Motion hardware circuit


  1. Install Visual Studio Code on your pc, Install PlatformIO in the extension, or you can install PlatformIO IDE,it's built on top of Microsoft's Visual Studio Code

  2. By default, the T-Motion has been programmed with the DFU boot program. You only need to press the Boot key to insert it into the computer to view the STM BOOTLOADER in the device manager, as shown below.

  3. The default serial log will use CDC output. If there is no serial output, it may be that the code in the STM32_Core warehouse has not been updated. Please replace variant/variant.cpp to C:\Users<UserName>.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\variants\NUCLEO_L073RZ , Thanks to @lyusupov for the RP submission

  4. The program uses PA4 as the key input pin by default. If you do not connect it, it does not matter, because the default is only used for GPS display, LORA is only to test the transmission of LORA

  5. If DFU fails, you can use Jlink or ST-Link to reprogram firmware/dfu.hex Or use Uart for downloading. When using flasher-stm32 for programming, you need to hold down the BOOT key and connect to PA9 PA10 for programming.

  6. Write firmware.bin from the command line

dfu-util.exe -a 0  -s 0x08000000 -R -D firmware.bin
### Wiring diagram
| USB Bridge | UART Download | T-Motion |
| ---------- | ------------- | -------- |
| RX         | ->            | PA9      |
| TX         | ->            | PA10     |

| Jlink/ST-Link | Download | T-Motion |
| ------------- | -------- | -------- |
| SCLK          | ->       | SCLK     |
| SDIO          | ->       | SDIO     |

### Pinout
| S76/78G           | Pin  |
| ----------------- | ---- |
| SX1276/78 rst     | PB10 |
| SX1276/78 mosi    | PB15 |
| SX1276/78 miso    | PB14 |
| SX1276/78 sclk    | PB13 |
| SX1276/78 cs      | PB12 |
| SX1276/78 dio0    | PB11 |
| SX1276/78 dio1    | PC13 |
| SX1276/78 dio2    | PB9  |
| SX1276/78 dio3    | PB4  |
| SX1276/78 dio4    | PB3  |
| SX1276/78 dio5    | PA15 |
| Radio switch      | PA1  |
| Uart Tx           | PA9  |
| Uart Rx           | PA10 |
| GPS rst           | PB2  |
| GPS Rx            | PC11 |
| GPS Tx            | PC10 |
| GPS level shifter | PC6  |
| GPS 1pps          | PB5  |
| Button            | PA4  |
| SCL               | PB6  |
| SDA               | PB7  |