build the SQL layer of KipDB database

Primary LanguageRust


Lightweight SQL calculation engine, as the SQL layer of KipDB, implemented with TalentPlan's TinySQL as the reference standard



Get Started


kip-sql = "0.0.1-alpha.0"

Install rust toolchain first.

cargo run

test command

create table t1 (a int, b int);

insert into t1 (a, b) values (1, 1), (5, 3), (5, 2);

update t1 set a = 0 where b > 1;

delete from t1 where b > 1;

select * from t1;

select * from t1 order by a asc nulls first

select count(distinct a) from t1;

truncate table t1;

drop table t1;

Using KipSQL in code

let kipsql = Database::with_kipdb("./data").await?;

let tupes = db.run("select * from t1").await?;

Storage Support:

  • KipDB
  • Memory



  • ORM Mapping
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct Post {
    pub post_title: String,
    pub post_date: NaiveDateTime,
    pub post_body: String,

implement_from_tuple!(Post, (
    post_title: String => |post: &mut Post, value: DataValue| {
        if let Some(title) = value.utf8() {
            post.post_title = title;
    post_date: NaiveDateTime => |post: &mut Post, value: DataValue| {
        if let Some(date_time) = value.datetime() {
            post.post_date = date_time;
    post_body: String => |post: &mut Post, value: DataValue| {
        if let Some(body) = value.utf8() {
            post.post_body = body;
  • SQL field options
    • not null
    • null
    • unique
  • Supports index type
    • Unique Index
  • Supports multiple primary key types
    • Tinyint
    • UTinyint
    • Smallint
    • USmallint
    • Integer
    • UInteger
    • Bigint
    • UBigint
    • Varchar
  • DDL
    • Create
      • Table
      • Index
    • Drop
      • Table
      • Index
    • Truncate
  • DQL
    • Select
      • SeqScan
      • IndexScan
    • Where
    • Distinct
    • Alias
    • Aggregation: count()/sum()/avg()/min()/max()
    • Subquery
    • Join: Inner/Left/Right/Full Cross(x)
    • Group By
    • Having
    • Order By
    • Limit
  • DML
    • Insert
    • Insert Overwrite
    • Update
    • Delete
  • DataTypes
    • Invalid
    • SqlNull
    • Boolean
    • Tinyint
    • UTinyint
    • Smallint
    • USmallint
    • Integer
    • UInteger
    • Bigint
    • UBigint
    • Float
    • Double
    • Varchar
    • Date
    • DateTime
  • Optimizer rules
    • Limit Project Transpose
    • Eliminate Limits
    • Push Limit Through Join
    • Push Limit Into Scan
    • Combine Filters
    • Column Pruning
    • Collapse Project

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