Ansible Role: ROS
Deploy ROS to an Ubuntu machine.
The role configures package sources and installs packages. You need to run it with root privileges.
Role Variables
- ros_packages: A list of ros packages to install (sans the
Test Locally
Copy the ansible-role-ros to the user roles, otherwise the role won't be visible
cp ./ /home/$USER/.ansible/roles/ansible-role-ros -r
To setup a VM for each supported Ubuntu release with ros-base
, run
vagrant up
The Vagrant configuration uses a simple example playbook, setting up ROS like
- { role: ansible-role-ros, ros_packages: ['ros-base', 'urdfdom-py'] }
Use in production
- Install from Ansible Galaxy.
- Remember that managed hosts need python-simplejson for playbook to work.
- Use the role like in the example playbook, but instead of ansible-role-ros, use pgorczak.ros.
- Make sure you have key-based access to a sudo user on the managed hosts.
- Tip: run ansible-playbook with
to specify the user and-K
to allow it to ask for the sudo password.