Create a project skeleton for a SilverStripe 4 Platform project. Sets up an empty theme and nightwatch for testing.
# Checkout the repo
git clone <yourproject> -o skeleton
# Change directory to your project
cd <yourproject>
# replace the remote origin with your own
git remote remove skeleton
git remote add origin git://
# Run composer
composer install
# install yarn dependencies
# compile your CSS. This is empty initially
yarn dev
# create a .env file from the template
cp .env.example .env
# run a dev/build
vendor/bin/sake dev/build flush=1
# push to master
git push origin master
Project teams should run their website consistently, in order to help each other and avoid confusion by differences in configuration. SilverStripe Ltd. prefers Vagrant. Read the "Vagrant" Confluence page for setup and usage details.
install dependenciesyarn dev
builds dev js and scssyarn watch
same asyarn dev
but watches for changesyarn production
minifies production filesyarn prod
alias foryarn production
yarn lint
lints your codeyarn hot
unsupported hot module reloading
Nightwatch with cucumber is setup and ready to go. To run the tests you can run yarn nightwatch
If you need to run against a custom host name (localhost is default), you can add a custom file named .nightwatch.custom.json
with the following content:
"test_settings": {
"default": {
"launch_url": "http://mycustomdomain"
yarn add vue
yarn add --dev vue-eslint-parser eslint-plugin-vue
"extends": [
import Vue from 'vue';
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const el = document.getElementById('app');
if (el === undefined || el === null) {
new Vue({ // eslint-disable-line no-new
el: '#app',
components: { },
data: { },
<div id="app">
Page html goes here
Note: vue replaces the HTML element targeted (ie. #app) so don't apply this to the body tag.