
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Atom editor with useful environment.


You can download latest AppImage version from releases page.

Run Lexet

<path-to-AppImage> <options>

Use -h to get available options


If you want run Lexet as

lexet <options>

For comfortable starting from console recommended I've recommend to chose one of the way you preferred:

Create symlink

root necessary

[sudo] ln -s <path-to-AppImage> /usr/local/bin/lexet

Patch PATH

move AppImage to ~/bin

mkdir ~/bin
mv <path-to-AppImage> ~/bin/lexet

update your ~/.bashrc by following lines

export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"


Download new AppImage and override old one by it.


  • Remove Lexet AppImage
  • Remove Lexet Home folder : ~/.lexet(default)
  • Remove links on AppImage(if you created links somewhere)

CLI arguments

<path-to-AppImage> [-h] [-H HOME] [-c CONFIG] [-a {install,build,run}] [-m {text,ui}] [-p PROJECT]

optional arguments:

-h, --help Shows help message

-H <HOME>, --home <HOME> Path to lexet local files. Default: ~/.lexet

-c <CONFIG>, --config <CONFIG> Path to config. Default: ~/.lexet/config

-a {run}, --action {run} For future extensions of functionality. Default: run

-m {atom, python}, --mode {atom, python} Allows to run application in console mode. Default: atom

-p <PROJECT>, --project <PROJECT> Path to working directory which you want to open. Default: current working directory.


this section for developers



  • docker
  • make
  • ssh

to build docker image execute folowing commands:

Build AppImage Builder Docker Image

make build-appimage-builder

Build AppImage

make build-appimage

You could move AppImage to directory which you prefere to store AppImages