DaveCAD The CAD software inadvertently designed by Dave Johnes of the EEV Blog.
DaveCAD presents you with a post-it note on which you can draw your electronic circuits with red pen. DaveCAD also has the option of an A4 spiral bound lined note pad for drawings that need more than a post-it.
DaveCAD is written in pascal using Lazarus, compiled using FPC.
To compile:
- clone the repo, obviously.
- get Lazarus if you don't already have it. http://lazarus.freepascal.org/
- You may need to make sure you have windres if you are not using windows: http://wiki.freepascal.org/Lazarus_Resources#Checking_you_have_windres
- open the project in lazarus and click Run, Compile or Build, depending on your current mood. :D
- Enjoy! (Optional)