
A sample ionic 3 application with auth0

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Ionic GOT Application

Auth0 Dashboard Setup

Before you get started, you should head to your Auth0 dashboard and configure a few client settings:

Callback URL

The Callback URL is used to send authentication data back to your app after logging in with Auth0. It is in the format:



  • YOUR_PACKAGE_ID is the app identifier. Ex: io.ionic.starter.auth0.
  • YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN is your Auth0 tenant name. Ex: <tenant>.auth0.com.


You need to set up CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) in your dashboard so Auth0 will actually accept your requests. To make that work, you'll want to add file://* to your CORS settings - that will make it work for all requests from within the app.

Client Type

You'll need to set the Client Type to Native so Auth0 knows what kind of requests to expect. Even though this is a web app packaged as a native one, you'll need to set it to Native here.

Install Dependencies

If you're using this sample as a base for your project, you can just run npm install, but if you're setting up your own Ionic project, install these dependencies:

  • auth0-js
  • @auth0/cordova

Here they are as one install command, for convenience:

npm install auth0-js @auth0/cordova --save

Install Cordova Plugins

You'll need a few cordova plugins to get @auth0/cordova to work. You can add them like so:

  • ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-safariviewcontroller
  • ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-customurlscheme --variable URL_SCHEME={YOUR_PACKAGE_ID} --variable ANDROID_SCHEME={YOUR_PACKAGE_ID} --variable ANDROID_HOST={YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN} --variable ANDROID_PATHPREFIX=/cordova/{YOUR_PACKAGE_ID}/callback

The variables used when installing cordova-plugin-customurlscheme are the same from when you set up the Callback URL in your Auth0 Dashboard.

Reinstalling Plugins

Instead of changing plugin configuration manually, it is better to re-install the plugin entirely. First, do a remove: ionic cordova plugin remove <plugin> then re-add it as done above.

Set AndroidLaunchMode

In your config.xml file, add this preference:

 <preference name="AndroidLaunchMode" value="singleTask" />

Set Auth0 Variables

If you're using this sample as a base for your project, edit src/services/auth.service.ts. Otherwise, copy it to your own project. You'll need to change each variable:

If you downloaded this sample from Auth0's docs page, it will come pre-populated with the keys for your client. If you are cloning it directly from Github, you will need to supply the keys yourself. The necessary keys are clientId, domain, and packageIdentifier which are all set in src/services/auth.service.ts.

Creating an Authentication Service

If you're using this sample as a base for your project, you don't have to do anything. Otherwise, you should copy src/services/auth.service.ts to your own project. This service will handle basic login, logout, authentication checking, and token refreshing for you, and can be extended easily. Don't forget to add this service to your app.module.ts!

Set Up Auth0-Cordova

In your app.component.ts file, add this import: import Auth0Cordova from '@auth0/cordova';, and, in your platform.ready() callback, add this chunk of code:

(<any>window).handleOpenURL = (url) => {

This will tell the Auth0Cordova library to handle url redirects created by cordova-plugin-customurlscheme, and ultimately get users back into your application.

Running the app

First, make sure you have a platform added: ionic cordova platform add android or ionic cordova platform add ios. Then, you can do either ionic cordova emulate <platform> or ionic cordova run <platform>, depending on if you want to start the project in an emulator or run it on a real device, respectively.