This is React application which uses Angular 7 Web Element approach as well as Polymer-based components.
- Download repository, open folder.
- Have actual NodeJS and NPM installed.
npm install
ornpm run start
- Open a browser, http://localhost:3030/index
- React 16
- Angular 7.1
- Polymer 3
- Vanilla JS
- Webpack 4
- Typescript 3
- Babel (for IE11)
- Vaadin as an example of 3rd-party elements
- Chartist as and example of 3rd-party pure JS widgets
This is hybrid application. Main page (and whole application) written with React, but it uses custom elements created with Angular and Polymer.
Interesting: application uses one Webpack build script to process all the parts simultaneously and provide different bundles and pages.
- Chrome (tested in v70)
- Firefox (63)
- Edge (44)
- IE (11)