A little JS library to asynchronous loading of JS and CSS. Based on Promises.
mLoader.load(<file_list>, <loader_options>);
where file_list
can be:
- Remote server url as string (HTTP POST request without parameters),
- Remote server url as object (HTTP POST request with parameters),
- Array of file names (predefined list),
- String row of file names.
You can download the repo and open index.html
file to see usage example in the wild.
: '/api/config' or, with parameters, -
: {config_url: '/api/config', config_params: {debug: true, user: 'user1', passwordhash: 'd67c5cbf5b01c9f91932e3b8def5e5f8'}}
There config_url
is mandatory, config_params
isn't. If the file_list
is object, it will be treated as request parameters and config_url has to be present.
Server in his turn have to return JSON {files: [..array of filenames..]}
(with mandatory files
field) on POST request to the %config_url%. Than this array will be used as list of files to load.
also can be array with two levels (max) or string of filenames separated by comma or semicolon [ 'file0', 'file1', [ 'file2', 'file3', 'file4' ], 'file5', [ 'file6', 'file7' ] ]
and the loading sequence will be:
file0, than file1, than (file2, file3, file4) simultaneously, than file5, than (file6, file7) simultaneously
In the string format equivalent is
mLoader.load('file0; file1; file2, file3, file4; file5; file6, file7');
(semicolon separates sequential file section, comma - parallel)
Notice: If <file_list> is string WITHOUT commas and semicolons, it will be treated as config_url. (1) If <file_list> is string WITH commas and/or semicolons, it will be treated as comma-separated list of files to load. (4)
is, surprisigly, optional object
delay: 2000, // ms, wait 2s before run, default: 0, no delay
folder: 'files', // prefix for 'file0' -> files/file0.js, default: 'js/'
polyfill: '', // where to get Promise polyfill for IE
verbose: true, // write console.log infog during the process, default: false
// optional handlers
start: function(queue, count){ ... }, // queue - prepared array of files to load, count - amount of items in queue
finish: function(loaded_modules){ ... }, // loaded_modules - list of objects of loaded modules
progress: function(filename, len){ ... }, // filename - name of loaded file, len - length of ig
fail: function(err){ ... } // err - error reason (string)
"loaded_modules" is array which contains list of objects:
origin: "", // {string} source of file name
url: "", // {string} url where to get file
length: 0, // {number} length of file
loaded_at: new Date(), // {Date} datetime when file has been loaded
mode: "" // {string} load mode, "parallel" | "sequenced"
File name that includes path separator (\ or /) will be processed only in extension part: ".js" will be added automatically if it is absent.
File name without path separators will be expanded as %loader_options.folder% + "/" + filename + ".js"
mLoader supports .js (default) and .css files to load.
1. (HTML) <script src="js/mloader.js" onload="mLoader.load('/api/config', {timeout: 2000});" defer="true"></script>
2. mLoader.load(); // error, unknown provider
3. mLoader.load('/api/config'); // remote by url, error 403 if password required
4. mLoader.load({
config_url: '/api/config',
config_params: {
debug: true,
name: 'user1',
password: '1user'
}); // remote with parameters, all right
5. mLoader.load('test0, test1'); // embedded list of files, array [/js/test0.js, /js/test1.js] in the string form
6. mLoader.load([
]); // embedded list of files, array
7. mLoader.load(
delay: 1000,
start: writeStart,
finish: writeFinish,
progress: writeProgress,
fail: sayError
- with delay 1s load filelist from remote server url '/api/config',
- then call writeStart routine,
- then load each file and call writeProgress routine after file loading,
- then call writeFinish,
- if error - call sayError.