
Модуль 11. Побудова REST API на FastAPI

Primary LanguagePython

Contacts API


$ git clone https://github.com/lexhouk/goit-pyweb-hw-11.git
$ cd goit-pyweb-hw-11
$ poetry install
$ echo 'your database user password' > .secret
$ docker run --name lexhouk-hw-11 -p 5432:5432 -e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(cat .secret)" -d postgres
$ alembic upgrade head


$ docker run --name lexhouk-hw-11 -p 5432:5432 -e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(cat .secret)" -d postgres
$ poetry shell
$ python main.py

All available endoints can be viewed in Swagger UI or ReDoc, and can only be tested in the former.