JewelCli uses an annotated interface definition to automatically parse and present command line arguments
- 4
Support for parsing negative numbers
#15 opened by serba - 0
- 4
Default value of false for boolean does not work
#31 opened by T3rm1 - 0
"maven site" fails because of missing class "org/sonatype/aether/graph/DependencyFilter"
#39 opened by ufkub - 1
Support for interfaces with default methods
#38 opened by rolve - 0
- 3
- 7
- 2
The option "/?" cannot be registered
#34 opened by Zero3 - 0
Option alternatives are poorly separated in help
#35 opened by Zero3 - 1
show default value of option in help message
#12 opened by lexicalscope - 4
Interface Not Visible from Class Loader
#30 opened by graywolf336 - 3
- 1
support multi-mode CLI interfaces
#7 opened by lexicalscope - 4
Multiple shortName Being Ignored
#28 opened by graywolf336 - 3
- 2
boolean flag does not work with "shortName"
#26 opened by stepinto - 2
optional values not working
#25 opened by fovea1959 - 5
Java 7 required now?
#21 opened by srowen - 0
jewelcli don't include the license file
#23 opened by puntogil - 2
- 2
enum option
#4 opened by houyunf - 1
ClassCastException when defining list subclasses
#20 opened by bethard - 0
- 1
olympic rings
#18 opened by lexicalscope - 3
- 0
- 3
Constraints on @Unparsed
#1 opened by kribblo - 0
Error parsing command line (copied from sf)
#13 opened by lexicalscope - 0
- 3
- 2
- 0
support generic CLI interfaces
#6 opened by lexicalscope - 0
replace _ with - in option names
#8 opened by lexicalscope - 0
- 1
Create a usage message explicitly
#11 opened by tomwhoiscontrary - 7
boolean options are not working
#3 opened by houyunf