
Book Management App

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Book GraphQL - API CRUD Operations


Book GraphQL is a book management app using GraphQL and React. And, there will be client and server-side for the CRUD operations.

Technology Stack and Tools

Client App

  • React
  • Redux | Redux Persist
  • Reselect
  • TypeScript
  • Apollo Client
  • GraphQL
  • Chakra UI
  • DayJS
  • React Router DOM
  • React Hook Form

Server App

  • NestJS
  • Apollo Server Express
  • Bcrypt
  • Cookie Parser
  • GraphQL
  • JWT
  • Mongoose
  • MongoDB
  • Nanoid
  • RxJS
  • TypeScript


  • Dark / Light mode via Chakra UI
  • Search and Filter
  • Sign In / Sign Up for User
  • CRUD Authors' page
  • CRUD Books' page

Members and Roles

SOKVATHARA LIN: Full-Stack Developer


Content is released under the consent of the member who developed this very system. Any individual is allowed to use our project freely due to we have open-sourced this project.
