COMP3750 Project: Tracking Viral Youtube Videos Supervisor: Dr Lexing Xie Implementation: David Hehir, 2011 Semester 2 ---- Please cite this paper if you use or build upon this code: Visual Memes in Social Media: Tracking Real-world News in YouTube Videos (2011) Lexing Xie, Apostol Natsev, Matthew Hill, John Kender, John R Smith ACM Multimedia 2011, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, Nov 2011 ------- Please see "./documentation/Install Guide.txt" for installation instructions. ----------------- Compilation notes on ubuntu / mac os x need the following open-source packages: OpenCV 2.4.2 Jansson Boost 1.50 == ColorCorrelogram install opencv install libjansson-dev follow this to configure Eclipse CDT project (not on mac os w. macports the library path may be /opt/loca/lib) include the three core opencv libs (opencv_core opencv_imgproc opencv_highgui) == FeatuerMatcher -- add boost root dir to include path include the three core opencv libs (opencv_core opencv_imgproc opencv_highgui) also include opencv_features2d opencv_flann for the linker