
Example of a Gradle Plugin that can manage your version numbers

Primary LanguageGroovy


Example of a Gradle Plugin that can manage your version numbers. Based on a talk given by Lisa Neigut at Droidcon London (video) (slides).

The main code to look at in this project is located in the buildSrc folder. The only other thing to look at is the build.gradle file in the app folder. Everything else is just boilerplate.

When adding the buildSrc folder to your project, manually add the folders

  • buildSrc
    • src
      • main
        • groovy
        • resources

After that, do a Gradle sync, and then your project should auto-generate the .iml and the local.properties files. At that point, you must also create a build.gradle for this plugin. At a minimum, it must have the same contents as the one in this projet, but you can flesh it out with more.

NOTE: This project does not contain details on uploading the plugin to a remote repo or maven. This demo is only for adding the plugin code locally to your project.

Add jar to your project

If you build this example in a separate project, and you would like to add the generated jar (located in buildSrc/build/libs/buildSrc.jar) to another project, drop that jar into your projects /libs folder, and add this to your apps build.gradle

buildscript {
    buildscript {
        repositories {
            flatDir dirs: "libs"
        dependencies {
            classpath "com.phamousapps.gradle:buildSrc"

apply plugin: 'appVersion'

dependencies {
  compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])


To see the new tasks you've added, type ./gradlew tasks into the console, and notice that there are now 4 new tasks under "Other Tasks". You can run them individually (e.g. ./gradlew bumpMajor), or you can run it as part of a full build (e.g. ./gradlew bumpMajor assembleDebug).

Example output:

./gradlew tasks
Other tasks

./gradlew bumpMajor
Previous Version:
Current Version:

./gradlew bumpMinor
Previous Version:
Current Version:

./gradlew bumpMajor
Previous Version:
Current Version: