
Mediacurrent Gatsby / Drupal 8 demo.

Primary LanguageSCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Gatsby / Drupal Demo

  1. Clone repo:
    git clone git@bitbucket.org:mediacurrent/mis_gatsby_demo.git
  2. cd into mis_gatsby_demo (or whatever directory name you assigned when cloning)
  3. Run nvm install (NVM needs to be installed).
  4. Run nvm use to use version of node specified in .nvmrc.
  5. Run npm install to install all node dependencies
  6. Rename the default.env file to .env.
  7. Update the BASE_URL to point to local or remote drupal site.
  8. Update the HOME_ALIAS to drupal's homepage as needed.
  9. Run npm run develop to start Gatsby server.
  10. In command line click localhost:8000 link.
  11. Have fun!