Exercise of deploying BOSH to AWS using bosh-bootloader
$ brew install cloudfoundry/tap/bosh-cli
$ source ~/.zshrc
$ bosh2 -v
version 2.0.14-d5180d5-2017-04-18T00:16:26Z
$ tf version
Terraform v0.7.4
$ brew upgrade terraform
$ tf version
Terraform v0.9.3
You don't need bosh-init
installed separately.
$ wget https://github.com/cloudfoundry/bosh-bootloader/releases/download/v3.0.4/bbl-v3.0.4_osx
$ chmod +x bbl-v3.0.4_osx
$ sudo mv bbl-v3.0.4_osx /usr/local/bin/bbl
$ bbl version
bbl 3.0.4 (darwin/amd64)
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
It has very wide permissions - starting and stopping instances in EC2 and managing users in IAM.
You need to copy this policy to clipboard before executing following commands.
$ aws iam create-user --user-name "lx-bbl"
$ aws iam put-user-policy --user-name "lx-bbl" \
--policy-name "lx-bbl-policy" \
--policy-document "$(pbpaste)"
$ aws iam create-access-key --user-name "lx-bbl"
bbl up \
--aws-access-key-id <INSERT ACCESS KEY ID> \
--aws-secret-access-key <INSERT SECRET ACCESS KEY> \
--aws-region eu-central-1 \
--iaas aws
$ bbl director-address
$ bbl director-username
$ bbl director-password
$ bbl director-ca-cert > bosh.crt
$ export BOSH_CA_CERT=bosh.crt
$ export BOSH_ENVIRONMENT=`bbl director-address`
$ bosh alias-env lx
$ bosh log-in
$ bosh cloud-config
- AWS Cloud Formation stack needs to be manually deleted before restarting deployment process
- Why do we need Cloud Formation if there is already terraform performing the same function in vendor independent way?
is the part ofbosh-cli
now and you don't need to install it separately- commands for targeting to bosh director are for the first version
- installation names
by default -bbl
so link it