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Stereo Image Disparity Estimation using OpenCL-acceleraed ZNCC algorithm

Implementations in pure C and with OpenCL acceleration.

Tested environment configurations:

  • GCC 4.8.4 64bit, OpenCL 1.2 with CUDA 7.5.

How to run

You can choose the following options:

  • Compile and run pure C implementation: make c runc
  • Compile and run OpenCL implementation: make cl runcl

You can also just run already compiled version by removing first argument of the commands given above. If you want to compile all, just type make all and the you can use make runc etc.

In case if you want to play with the parameters of the programs, their description is given below.


  • C verison (zncc) takes two parameters: Left_Image Right_Image
  • OpenCL C version (zncc_ocl) takes six parameters: Left_Image Right_Image wg_size0 wg_size1 global_size0 global_size1.

You can look at the content of the Makefile to see how the programs are compiled and called.