
topGithub | TechScriptorium: In-Depth Technical Articles and Expert Programming Blogs site. Build with tailwindCss 3.3, next.js V13.4, supabase, contentlayer.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

To access the TechScriptorium blog's files and code, check out this link: github/lexuscreations/techScriptoriumFiles

  • To run this app locally, create a .env.local file in the root directory and refer to .env.example for guidance.

  • After implementing your preferred customizations, be sure to update the src\utils\siteMetaData.js file metaInfo.

    • You also need to update all meta details, links, and author information throughout the entire app, including the README.

  • Before production, locate and set removeConsole to true in the compiler object within next.config.js in the root directory.

  • To set up your environment, install NVM. Once installed, navigate to the project folder and run the command nvm use before launching the project.

  • If you don't have the VS Code extension Code Spell Checker installed, please run npm i cspell.


  • To list your installed VS Code extensions, use the command code --list-extensions, and save the list to .vscode/extensions using code --list-extensions > extensions this command.

  • To install "Git Bash", you can download it from git-scm/downloads.

Library, framework, Tools and Resources / software usage