
A web app that maps tweets based on sentiment polarity using an interactive heat map.


The premise is simple: Plug in a hashtag and see a heat map live-update showing how people around the country feel about it using Twitter's polarity data.

Imagine a few use cases:

  • Politicians: see how constituents are reacting to new policies by tracking policy hashtags. Target areas with high negativities in campaigns.
  • Amber Alerts: track disaster hashtags to when disasters are happening in certain areas. Especially useful as it's become clear in years past that Twitter is often a faster source of data than traditional news outlets.
  • Advertising: the ability to track where your store is trending when considering where to open pilot stores.

In essence, this app will highlight anything with high variance that changes on a day-to-day basis. Most notable is that this app gets its information from interactions instead of demographics, meaning that you are able to see how people actually feel about certain topics instead of stereotyping based on race and gender.

Team Barhack