Minimalist signature component for Angular
Copy signature.component.ts in your project (and add it to the declaration of your module-s). Tweak for your needs.
<!-- This is a place where the signature pad should be used. -->
<!-- The signature canvas will fill the whole space. In the example, full width and a height of 100px. -->
<div style="border: 1px solid gray; width: 100%; height: 100px;">
<!-- When calling "save", the $event received from the component output is your image as a default data URL as PNG -->
<app-signature (savedSignatureAsDataUrl)="someServiceThatHandlesTheData($event)" #myAwesomeSignaturePad></app-signature>
<!-- There are two functions: clear and save. -->
<button (click)="myAwesomeSignaturePad.clear()">Clear</button>
<button (click)="">Save</button>