
Live edit Xamarin Forms Xaml

Primary LanguageC#


Live editing of Xamarin Forms Xaml


  1. XML interpreter for a nicer view of xml and an auto-formatting.
  • Find libraries that do some colored syntax and indentation
  1. Communication protocol improvement:

=> Either improve the TCP start stop logic. StartKey/StopKey as consts shared in Mobile / Editor app. Reinit connection everytime instead of keeping it alive?

  • Depending on the starting code, return the proper switch-case of what to do.
  • Needs to indicate how bytes to read.

=> Or use WebSocket

=> Or make a pseudo web-server. (Send raw http request)

  1. Make connection to server easier. Add a button to indicate where is the server, then the device pushes its coordinates to the server. Subscribers logic.

  2. Add a diagnostics semi-transparent overlay indicating bugs in XAML.

  • In the catch, take the message and display it in the overlaid text at bottom.
  1. Ability to modify code from the device. Sync between device and sofware.
  • Semi-transparent overlay of xaml and a right sidebar for widgets, added in the xaml or screen (two-touch)
  1. Have a page containing a grid listing all pages. (Ability to sync several XAML files instead of just one file)
  • Alternate between a full screen, an editor mode and a view listing all pages in a grid. Maybe a + new button.
  1. Binding. Mocking of ViewModels. (Generation / computation on server-side)
  • MAYBE: Ability to edit ViewModel code on the device. This could eventually simply be another text editor under the XAML code.
  1. Inclusion of XLabs stuff. Ex: Geolocation.