
Leave management System in C. Command Line based without graphics.h but has awsome terminal GUI you will enjoy.

Primary LanguageC

Leave Managemnet System in C (CLI based)

C programes for simple class wroks


  1. This code UI is completetly based on ANSI Code Sequences ; So if your terminal doesn't support ANSI escape code sequences then everything will look gibrish.
  2. Able to understand the proper comments and make changes accordinly based on your compiler; LINUX/UNIX user have nothing to worry about everythin is fine.
  3. LINUX/UNIX users don't CTRL+C during the press() function runtime. This may cause your current Terminal TAB act weird.

#How To use (LINUX/UNIX)

  1.  git clone https://github.com/leyuskckiran1510/C.git
  2.   cd ./C
  3.   chmod +x ./LMS.c` || `chmod 777 ./LMS.c
  4.   ./LMS.c

you may also need to change the data entries from user.txt for your own use. (LINUX/UNIX)

  1. rm -f ./user.txt
  2.  nano ./user.txt

3.CTRL+X 4. Y 5. Now everything is ready to run.

How to use (Windows/Any other Platform)

  ### remeber to read the comments and add or remove some lines to adjust with your Platform.
  1.  git clone https://github.com/leyuskckiran1510/C.git
  2.   cd ./C
  3.   gcc -o LMS.exe ./LMS.c ./anisc.c
  4.  ./LMS.exe