Authors: Leslie Horace, James Simmons
Project: Stencil-Project
Purpose: Data Collection and Analysis for Parallel applications of 9-pt Stencil Iterations
Note: It is reccommended to open this readme with a markdown viewer
Note: Documentation links included for other environment installations
Update OS Packages First!
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install openmpi-bin openmpi-dev openmpi-common openmpi-doc libopenmpi-dev
sudo apt install python3
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install matplotlib
pip3 install seaborn
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install opencv-python
Note: <arg>
is an input, [arg]
is optional, arg1 | arg2
means arg1 or arg2.
- Makefile
Usage: make [clean] [all | <program>]
- Compiles/cleans all project programs
- make-2d.c
Usage: ./make-2d <rows> <cols> <outfile>
- Generates a matrix and initializes values to represent a boilerplate
- print-2d.c
Usage: ./print-2d <infile>
- Prints a matrix to console (debug_level=2)
- stencil-2d.c
Usage: ./stencil-2d <num_iterations> <infile> <outfile> <all_stacked_file(optional)>
- Serial version of 9-pt stencil algorithm
- pth-stencil-2d.c
Usage: ./pth-stencil-2d <num_iterations> <infile> <outfile> <debug_level[0-2]> <num_threads> <all_stacked_file(optional)>
- Pthread version of 9-pt stencil algorithm
- mpi-stencil-2d.c
- OpenMPI version of 9-pt stencil algorithm
- utilities.c
- User defined functions shared utilized by entire project
- utilities.h
- Header file containing structs, macros, and protoypes in "utilities.c"
- mpi_utils.c
- User defined functions for "mpi-stencil-2d.c"
- mpi_utils.h
- Header file containing structs, macros, and protoypes for "mpi-stencil-2d.c"
- "utilities.h" is linked here, giving access to all prototype functions
- timer.h
- Gets the current time in microseconds
Note: All pythons scripts save output to log files in ./logs/
Usage: python3 <#rows/cols>
can be comma delimited lists with no spaces, e.g.,"1,2,4"
- Runs "make-2d"
- Only creates square matrices
Usage: python3 <pthread/mpi> OPTIONAL: [size] [process/threads] [iterations]
- If at least one optional arg is entered, all must be entered in the defined order
- Optional args
can be entered as a comma delimited string list with no spaces, e.g.,"1,2,4"
- "" must be ran prior to "" with the same matrix sizes
- Runs "pthread-stencil-2d" or "mpi-stencil-2d"
Usage: python3 <pthread/mpi>
- Parses time data files generated from ""
- Calculates speedup, efficiency, and serial fraction
- Generates graphs for time and all calculated data
Usage: python3 <stackedfile>
name must include in order, <#rows> <#cols> <#iterations> demimited by any non-numeric chars- e.g.,
will parse100
rows x100
cols x25
iterations, any #'s after <#iterations> is excluded
(Alt) Usage: python3 <rows> <columns> <iterations>
- Utilizes the Makefile and C files to create a raw file, with the rows columns and iterations specified
- Takes the stacked file generated and creates an mp4 video from it
- Creates a video from stacked raw file
Usage: python3
- Runs "stencil-2d", "pthread-stencil-2d", and "mpi-stencil-2d"
- Diffs final matrix files for "stencil-2d" and "pthread-stencil-2d"
- Diffs "pthread-stencil-2d" and "mpi-stencil-2d" to cross check
- submit-jobs.bash
Usage: bash ./submit-jobs.bash
- Dynamically schedules all jobs
- Defines sbatch flags and input params
- Schedules "sub-generate.bash"
- Schedules "sub-gather.bash"
- Calls
- sub-generate.bash
Usage: sbatch ./sub-generate.bash <matrix-size | matrix-size-list>
- Both
count as 1 string parameter
- Both
- Job script to create input matrices
- Compiles the programs
- Runs ""
- sub-gather.bash
Usage: sbatch --mem=<#GB> --cpus-per-task=1 --ntasks-per-node=<#tasks> ./sub_gather.bash <"mpi" | "pthread"> <#size> <#process> <#iterations>
- Job script to run stencil programs
- runs "" for
- Run:
|make all
- Run:
./make-2d <rows> <cols> <outfile>
- Run:
./pth-stencil-2d <num_iterations> <infile> <outfile> <debug_level[0-2]> <num_threads> <all_stacked_file(optional)>
- Run:
mpirun -np <num processes> ./mpi-stencil-2d <num_iterations> <infile> <outfile> <debug_level[0-2]> <all_stacked_file(optional)>
- Run:
|make all
- Run:
python3 <#rows/cols>
- Script will automatically generate output file names as
- All files are stored in project files directory
- Run:
python3 pthread [size_string_list] [threads_list] [iterations]
- Script will create directory
if it doesn't exist- Saves all output matrices with name
and captured results to./data/pthread_stencil_data.txt
- Run:
python3 mpi [size_string_list] [threads_list] [iterations]
- Script will create directory
if it doesn't exist- Saves all output matrices with name
and captured results to./data/mpi_stencil_data.txt
Note: Python Scripts only support square matrices, must use manual method to compute non square matrices Addionally does not support stacked raw file creation, use manual method or
- set matrix size string list param (
- set number of iterations param (
- set proccess/threads list (
procs=(1 2 4 8 16)
- set matrix size list (
sizes=(5000 10000 20000 40000)
- set memory per size list (
mems=(8GB 16GB 32GB 64GB)
Note: The values show in the examples above are already set in "submit_all.bash"
- $
bash ./submit-all.bash
Note: This will submit individual jobs for both pthreads and mpi automatically
- Ensure
generated from "" exists- Run:
python3 ./ mpi
- The following graphs will save in
- pthread-Time.png
- pthread-Speedup.png
- pthread-Efficiency.png
- pthread-e.png
- Ensure
generated from "" exists- Run:
python3 ./ pthread
- The following graphs will save in
- mpi-Time.png
- mpi-Speedup.png
- mpi-Efficiency.png
- mpi-e.png
- Run:
python3 ./ <stackedfile>
- Alt:
python3 <rows> <columns> <iterations>
- Script will create a raw file named
- The generated video will save in
subfolder- Video name is auto generated as
Note: uses pth-stencil-2d with 2 threads to generate raw files If the above is not preferred, please used the manual method to create raw file