
Reference parser that extracts references from all kinds of files. It uses Google Scholar engine to obtain corresponding BibTex info.

Primary LanguagePython


Reference parser that extracts references from all kinds of files. It uses Google Scholar engine to obtain corresponding BibTex info.

Supports .PDF, .DOCX, .HTML and .TXT files.

Thanks to



Install "textract" package

Ubuntu / Debian

apt-get install python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev antiword unrtf poppler-utils pstotext tesseract-ocr \
flac ffmpeg lame libmad0 libsox-fmt-mp3 sox libjpeg-dev swig
pip install textract

It may also be necessary to install "zlib1g-dev" "libpulse-dev" on Docker instances of Ubuntu.


brew cask install xquartz
brew install poppler antiword unrtf tesseract swig
pip install textract

Then you are good to go! (You might need other packages, please follow the error messages.)


Before use

Update the cookies.txt file before use. You can get the cookies by opening Google Scholar with you browser, search for any paper in the search bar, then use your browser's "inspect elements" function, navigate to "Network" -> "Headers". Under "Response Headers" section, you may find your cookies info. Copy and paste it to your cookies.txt file. Your cookies should include "GSP" parameter. If not, try again or click Google_cite icon and open the "Cite" window before you inspect elements.

If you get blocked, open your browser and search for some paper in Google Scholar, try to pass the "I'm not a bot" test, check your cookies again, you'll find a new term "GOOGLE_ABUSE_EXEMPTION". Update your cookies.txt file with the new cookie, and you are back on track again.

How to use

It's simple:

python ref_parser.py input output

The output is in standard BibTex format. Enjoy!

Important information

Remember, Google only allows a single ip to get couple hundreds of bibtex info PER DAY. If you parse too fast in a short amount of time, you'll be banned for a day. Use the service moderately, and always set an interval between each query. Default interval setting is 20-30 seconds. Do not make it less than 10 seconds, users are responsible for use of this script.