
Response to Easybank's Landing Page Challenge on Frontend Mentor

Primary LanguageSCSS

Easybank landing page

This is a solution to the Easybank landing page challenge on Frontend Mentor.

Links 🔗

The challenge 💻

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size.
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page.



Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup.
  • Flexbox.
  • CSS Grid.
  • Mobile-first workflow.
  • SASS - CSS preprocessor.
  • React - JS library.

Useful resources

More about me

Download ⚙️

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

To clone:

git clone https://github.com/leonardomeza87/easybank-landing-page.git