
A fullstack application with express, postgres, knex, handlebars and passport.js. Deployed on aws 😎

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • grab the id and then input it into the table

data table

bugs table

  • id
  • problem (string)
  • whatshouldbe (string)
  • whatactuallyis (string)
  • hypothesis (string)
  • plan (string)
  • user_id (integer)

Frontend variables

  • Create a button for each of the rows

  • Form: #debuggingForm

  • input: problem, whatshouldbe, whatactuallyis, hypothesis, plan

  • Form: #updateDebuggingForm

  • updateProblem, updateWhatShouldBe,updateWhatActuallyIs,updateHypothesis, updatePlan

Purpose 🕶️

The purpose of this repository is to create a RESTful application that utilizes

  • express-handlebars
  • knex
  • express-basic-auth
  • pg
  • express
  • passport.js
  • dotenv

How to run this package

Copy and paste this template into your .env file

  • DB_NAME=
npm install
nodemon app.js

How it works 📖

Planning process

  • Postgres - what database looks like
  • Folders that we might need
    • User interface
    • Installing packages we might potentially use
    • Express, express-handlebars, knex, etc.
    • Migration and seeds (adding in some dummy data)
    • Body-parser
    • Create routes -> to see if the application is working
    • Login / signup (passport.js)
    • Routes -> /api/users, /api/bugs


User Story Task How it works Done
Users will be able to signup
Users will be able to login Frontend
Users will be able to login Backend
Users will be able to add bugs Frontend
Users will be able to edit bug Backend
Users will be able to get bugs Frontend
Users will be able to delete bug Backend


Route Method What it does Redirect Object
Test all service methods Test (postman) Ensuring that all my queries are correct
/api/bugs GET Gets all bugs
/api/users/:id/bugs GET Gets all users bugs bugs bugs, user
/api/bugs/:bugId GET Gets specific bug
/api/users/:id/bugs/:bugId GET Gets specific bug bugs bugs, user
/api/users/:id/bugs POST Posts bug bugs bugs, user
/api/users/:id/bugs/:bugId PUT Edits bug bugs bugs, user
/api/users/:id/bugs/:bugId DELETE Deletes bug bugs bugs, user
/api/users GET Gets all users
/api/users/:id GET Gets specific user
/api/users POST Adds user Login
/api/users/:id PUT Edits user Home
/login POST Login - verify user bugs bugs, user
/api/users/:id DELETE Deletes user Home
implement callback for passport js get Allows us to pass in id into home page via handlebars Home bugs, user


User Stories 🔭

  1. Users will be able to look through the various examples and understand how to test well.

Sprint 👟

Done? Component Priority Estimated Time Actual Time
x This checklist H 30 mins
Read Documentation M 30 mins
Look at three examples 30 mins
Complete basic example M 30 mins 15

Daily Stand Up ⌛

Issues and Resolutions 🔦


Issue Where it occurs Possible solution Actual solution
Password authentication When running my pg files PG password Not installing hte pg package

What is one thing that I learned from doing this project? 📚

Route Names

GET /auth/gmail GET /auth/facebook DONE GET /todolist (placeholder) GET /login DONE GET /signup DONE POST /login POST /signup



id username facebook_id gmail_id password hash


id first name last name email number


  1. Install all needed packages

  2. Create app.js

  3. Import packages

  4. Create queries // postUser(username, twitter_id, facebook_id, password) // getAllUsers() // twitterIdExists(twitterId) // facebookIdExists(facebookId) // getById(id) // getByTwitterId(twitterId) // getByFacebookId(facebookId) // deserialize(id, done) // serialize(user, done)

  5. knex init

  6. Create migration tables

    1. knex migrate:make passport_users
    2. If doesn't work, delete knex tables from your database (knex_migrations and knex_migrations_lock)
  7. Test queries

  8. Get facebook id and secret

  9. Get twitter id and secret


  • How do I setup the username and password?

  • Check the sign in and create route

// Whenever you use passport, you are essentially using two libraries // the first is passport // the second is the "strategy" that you are using

// local strategy verifies username and password // http://www.passportjs.org/packages/passport-local/