
Algorithm pseudocode typesetting library for Typst

Primary LanguageTypst


This is a package inspired by the LaTeX algorithmicx package for Typst. It's useful for writing pseudocode and typesetting it all nicely.

screenshot of the typst-algorithmic output, showing line numbers, automatic indentation, bolded keywords, and such


#import "@preview/algorithmic:0.1.0"
#import algorithmic: algorithm

  import algorithmic: *
  Function("Binary-Search", args: ("A", "n", "v"), {
    Cmt[Initialize the search range]
    While(cond: $l <= r$, {
      Assign([mid], FnI[floor][$(l + r)/2$])
      If(cond: $A ["mid"] < v$, {
        Assign[$l$][$m + 1$]
      ElsIf(cond: [$A ["mid"] > v$], {
        Assign[$r$][$m - 1$]

This DSL is implemented using the same trick as CeTZ uses: a code block of arrays gets those arrays joined together.

Currently this library is not really customizable. Please vendor it and hack it up as needed then file an issue for the customization option you're missing.



Statement-level contexts in algorithmic generally accept the type body in the following:

body = (ast|content)[] | ast | content
ast = (change_indent: int, body: body)


Inline functions will generate plain content.


Takes one or more lists of ast and creates an algorithmic block with line numbers.

Control flow

Function/Procedure (stmt)

Defined as f(name: string|content, args: content[]?, ..body). Body can be one or more body values.

If/ElseIf/Else/For/While (stmt)

Defined as f(cond: string|content, ..body). Body can be one or more body values.

Generates an indented block with the body, and the specified cond between the two keywords as condition.


Assign (stmt)

Defined as Assign(var: content, val: content).

Generates #var <- #val.

CallI (inline), Call (stmt)

Defined as f(name, args: content|content[]).

Calls a function with the function name styled in smallcaps and the args joined by commas.

Cmt (stmt)

Defined as Cmt(body: content).

Makes a line comment.

FnI (inline), Fn (stmt)

Defined as f(name, args: content|content[]).

Calls a function with the function name styled in bold and the args joined by commas.

Ic (inline)

Defined as Ic(body: content) -> content.

Makes an inline comment.

Return (stmt)

Defined as Return(arg: content).

Generates return #arg.

State (stmt)

Defined as State(body: content).

Turns any content into a line.