
This is a demo Alexa Skills Kit demo app powered by an AWS lambda and DynamoDB instance.

Development setup

Install package dependencies:

npm i


npm run build

This transpiles the TypeScript files and bundles the package and it's dependencies into a single JavaScript file, the post-build cleanup step compresses the package into a zip file.

From here you can run the deploy script which essentially creates the Lambda with a configured runtime and execution role:

# contents
aws lambda create-function --function-name {FUNC_NAME} --runtime "nodejs20.x" --role {ARN} --zip-file "fileb://dist/index.zip" --handler index.handler


In order update the Lambda, simply run the update shell script:

# contents
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name {FUNC_NAME} --zip-file fileb://dist/index.zip

populating dynamodb Ensure the dynamodb instance is setup on AWS and run:

$npx esbuild --platform=node --bundle --outdir=dist --tsconfig=tsconfig.json etl.ts

  dist/etl.js  1.5mb ⚠️

⚡ Done in 106ms
$node ./dist/etl.js
initializing movie_facts table
sending batch write request
operation succeeded