Non-docker installation possible?
yo54233154 opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi, I'd like to know if it is possible to install LoReAn without docker? I think we have most of the required softwares installed , though some might not match the specific version listed.
For some reasons, we simply don't have docker installed and don't want to go through that much trouble.
I guess I can just edit the python scripts and point them to where our softwares are installed , correct ?
Thank you.
it is possible. I have done in the past for testing purpose. It is not necessary to change the software locations. You can edit the to match your path and add to the .bashrc. after source the .bashrc and you are done.
However, I can ensure you that docker installation is very easy (if your system admin allows to use it). I think that only 4 lines of commands are required. Moreover, PASA installation would take quite some time.
I strongly suggest to use docker.
I would suggest to use a new version of LoReAn at the dev branch. It is more accurate and fast.
if you decide to use docker, you can download the new version using:
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/data lfaino/lorean:iprscan_rpMask $USER $UID
I just made a new release of LoReAn. I made some changes and now it can work without root access.
I made it work with SINGULARITY software (v2.6.0) which is a tool similar to docker but does not require root access. You can test if it works following the information at the dev branch of LoReAn.
It should work but it is in development. Let me know if you want to test and if it works
Very interested in the Singularity install, any caveats before I give it a try on our cluster?
Honestly, no idea. I did not try because i do not have access to a cluster right now. If you succeed, please let me know