- 1
- 1
Problem of the result of LoReAn
#47 opened by LiantingFu - 0
LoReAn fails at braker in real dataset
#46 opened by brennanhyden - 1
Running LoReAn via docker failed
#45 opened by LarsGab - 1
Error when running test data Crispa
#41 opened by lazlostrange - 2
LoReAn is need use too big memory
#44 opened by xiaosefengyun - 5
#43 opened by simoncchu - 1
running time of LoReAn
#42 opened by simoncchu - 0
- 0
- 1
unauthorized (docker pull lfaino/lorean:latest)
#38 opened by codeatcg - 0
- 1
- 3
Error in
#35 opened by stroehleina - 0
maker error
#34 opened by sajjadasaf - 0
#33 opened by sajjadasaf - 1
Improvements: short reads
#32 opened by nlapalu - 4
Problem (write permission) for braker
#31 opened by nlapalu - 1
Dockerfile should version pin third party software and retrieve them from upstream instead of using COPY
#21 opened by eburgueno - 2
std::bad_alloc error due to excessive memory use by diamond v0.9.26.127 with larger protein data set
#30 opened by stroehleina - 8
- 30
Lorean installation error
#27 opened by ConcettaDe4 - 12 cannot open shared object file
#28 opened by melop - 8
Problems installing LoReAn
#13 opened by csijcs - 5
work_dir option doesn't permit clean IO control
#24 opened by nhartwic - 7
--long_reads error
#25 opened by ricardo-aaron - 3
Raising ValueError when running LoReAn_example
#29 opened by Yujiaxin419 - 9
mask gff error: list index out of range
#11 opened by iwangtoknow - 43
errors during the run of Augustus
#26 opened by michieitel - 3
issue with interproscan module
#22 opened by max-biodatomics - 5
- 2
- 19, NameError
#17 opened by zcrself - 76
raise ValueError("No lines parsed -- was an empty file provided?") ValueError: No lines parsed -- was an empty file provided?
#16 opened by ncgrjsmiao - 3
STAR runtime
#15 opened by ctxchris - 3
singularity download ERROR
#12 opened by YuntaoTan - 4
minimal intron length default
#14 opened by maleasy - 4
Non-docker installation possible?
#8 opened by yo54233154 - 5
new error
#10 opened by iwangtoknow - 3
- 5
Multiple adapter
#6 opened by palfalvi - 21
Dictionary error.
#9 opened by iwangtoknow - 6
Minimal contig limitation?
#7 opened by iwangtoknow - 6
annotation update failed, PASA error.
#5 opened by iwangtoknow - 7
CRISPR test data fails
#3 opened by danwiththeplan - 2
Clarify -u option
#2 opened by danwiththeplan