
Inspired from homeassitant Command line Sensor this sensor take values from Prometheus metrics using PromQL query

Primary LanguagePython


Inspired from homeassitant Command line Sensor this sensor take values from Prometheus metrics using PromQL query . It allow to specify one or more query creating a sensors for each query.


To enable it, add the following lines to your configuration.yaml:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
    platform: prometheus_query
    name: "Temperature Pisa"
    unique_id: "tempPisa"
    prometheus_url: http://localhost:9090
    prometheus_query: temperature{job="cfrt",location=~"Pisa Fac Agraria.*",province="PI",region="Toscana"}
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    platform: prometheus_query
    name: "Temperature Cecina"
    unique_id: "tempCecina"
    prometheus_url: http://localhost:9090
    prometheus_query: temperature{job="cfrt",location=~"Cecina.*",province="LI",region="Toscana"}
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    platform: prometheus_query
    name: "Wind Quercianella"
    unique_id: "windQuercianella"
    prometheus_url: http://localhost:9090
    prometheus_query: wind_speed{job="cfrt",location="Quercianella",province="LI",region="Toscana"} * 3.6

Configuration Variables

  • name

    (string)(Required) Name of the sensor..

  • unique_id: sensor Entity Id (See home assitant docs)

    (string)(Required if using more than one sensor) Id of the sensor..

  • prometheus_url

    (string)(Required) the url of your Prometheus server

  • prometheus_query

    (string)(Required) the PromQL query to retrieve sensor

  • unit_of_measurement

    (string)(Optional) Defines the unit of measurement of the sensor, if any.

  • state_class

    (string)(Optional) Defines the type of sensor. measurement for metrics that are gauges,total_increasing for metrics that are counters.

  • device_class

    (string)(Optional) Defines the type of device. see Here for device types, such as energy, battery, temperature

It's a custom component so it must be downloaded under /custom_components folder.