
Fork of nunjucks-markdown for use with GOV.UK Prototype Kit

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A fork of nunjucks-markdown that works with the GOV.UK Prototype Kit.

Greenkeeper badge

A nunjuck extension that adds a markdown tag. This plugin allows you to choose your own markdown renderer.


npm install @lfdebrux/nunjucks-markdown --save


In your prototype's app/routes.js, setup the plugin

const markdown = require('@lfdebrux/nunjucks-markdown')
const marked = require('marked')

// The first argument can be any function that renders markdown

Add markdown to your templates

{% markdown %}
Hello World
# Do stuff
{% endmarkdown %}

You can also provide the markdown tag with a template to render

{% markdown "post.md" %}

Note: This method doesn't require a closing tag

As you would expect, you can add tags inside your markdown tag

{% markdown %}
{% include 'post1.md' %}
{% include 'post2.md' %}
{% endmarkdown %}

Markdown Options

Nunjucks-markdown doesn't require you to use any particular markdown renderer. If you were to use marked here's a good example of how it could be configured.

var marked = require('marked');

  renderer: new marked.Renderer(),
  gfm: true,
  tables: true,
  breaks: false,
  pedantic: false,
  sanitize: true,
  smartLists: true,
  smartypants: false

markdown.register(env, marked);

For more information configuration options, checkout marked.