
docker image to execute karma tests

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Build the Docker image

docker build -t {username}/karma-chrome:latest .

Login to Docker (if you haven't already)

docker login

Push the Docker

docker push {username}/karma-chrome:latest

If developing on a Mac but want to build a Docker image targeted for a Linux platform

Docker buildx enables building for multiple platforms, including building ARM images on an x86 host and vice versa.

  1. Enable Experimental CLI Features:

To use buildx, you need to have experimental features enabled. You can do this by setting the DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL environment variable to enabled.

  1. Install buildx:

If you haven't already, you can install buildx using:

docker buildx create --name mybuilder --use
  1. Build for Specific Platforms:

Using buildx, specify a target platform with --platform flag. For a Linux host, use linux/amd64.

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t {username}/karma-node-chrome:latest .

This command builds your image for the linux/amd64 platform. You can also push directly to Docker Hub by appending --push:

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t {username}/karma-node-chrome:latest . --push