
Bnf-Ast Generator is a parser generator framework for parsing EBNF syntaxes with Java code. Unlike other EBNF-Parser must write config file (like yacc, flex) , with BNF-AST Generator you can define EBNF Parser in Java Code.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

EBNF-AST Generator

MIT License Coverage Status

Bnf-Ast Generator is a parser generator framework for parsing EBNF syntaxes with Java code. Unlike other EBNF-Parser must write config file (like yacc, flex) , with BNF-AST Generator you can define EBNF Parser in Java Code.


  • with maven:
    <!-- Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file -->
    <!-- Step 2. Add the dependency -->


As the library's name "EBNF-AST Generator", Developers use combinators defined in BnfComs to define DSL syntaxes in Java Code. Library will auto generate parsers with this syntaxes.

Here is an example for you to for parsing Java switch syntax.

// define number, string, bool ... primary types, expression, body
// case: { body }
BnfCom caseExpr = rule(Case.class).token("case").sep(":").then(body);

// default: { body }
BnfCom defaultExpr = rule(Default.class).token("default").sep(":").then(body);

// switch ( expr ) {
//    case* | default
// }
BnfCom switchExpr = rule(Switch.class).token("switch").sep("(").then(expr).sep(")")

Now you can create a Lisp Parser quickly with EBNF-AST Generator:

BnfCom number = rule().number(NumberLiteral.class);
BnfCom id = rule().identifier(IDLiteral.class, reservedToken);
BnfCom string = rule().string(StringLiteral.class);
BnfCom bool = rule().bool(BoolLiteral.class);

// primary ::= number | id | string | bool
BnfCom primary = wrapper().or(number, id, string, bool);
BnfCom expr0 = rule();
// quote   ::= `expr
BnfCom quote = rule().token("`").then(expr0);
// expr    ::= primary | quote | "(" expr* ")"
BnfCom expr = expr0.reset().or(primary, quote, rule().sep("(").repeat(expr0).sep(")"));
// problem ::= "(" expr* ")"
BnfCom problem = rule().sep("(").repeat(expr).sep(")");

you can get more information from Lisp test: Lisp Syntaxes Test.

Support Combinators

EBNF-AST Generator support three types basic Combinators: leaf, list, capture .

Leaf Combinator

The leaf combinator corresponds to a leaf node in the AST.

Combinator Name Description Usage
token(string*) token is used to define a reserved token as an AstLeaf in Ast. But token string must be marked as reversed token that you can use in token operator. Leaf Usage
sep(string*) sep combinator is used to skip an token, this token won't be used in AST. Just like usually function define lfkdsk() , token "(", ")" is useless should be skip. Skip Usage
maybe(string) maybe contains this string. token won't be used in AST. Maybe Usage
number(class) number represents number‘s token,EBNF-AST won't provide a default tokenizer, you should splite number token by yourselves. Token Test
string(class) string represents string's token. Token Test
bool(class) bool represents boolean's token. Token Test
id(class) id represents id's token. Token Test
literal(class, string) literal expects an literal string in AST. Literal Test

List Combinator

The list combinator corresponds to the non-leaf node in the AST.

Combinator Name Description Usage
ast / then ast/ then operator expects a subBnf parser in this parser. Leaf Usage
or or combinator expects one of several possible Parser supporters. Or Tree
maybe maybe combinator expects a Parser option that may exist. Even maybe don't exist, maybe will generate an empty List in AST. Maybe Tree
option option combinator expects a Parser option that may exist. Unlike maybe, if the option is not triggered, there is no empty node in the AST Option Tree
repeat repeat combinator represents a Parser that matches repeatedly. Repeat Tree
prefix The main function of prefix is similar to or, but Parser of or can only support Parsers with different prefixes, but prefix can support multiple Parsers with different prefixes. Prefix Tree
expr expr support binary operator expressions.(support recursive operator) Expr Tree
insertChoice The insertChoice combinator and or are used together to insert a new Parser among the alternatives of the or combinator. Insert Choice Tree
times times and repeat are closer, but times can be used to specify the number of repeated matches. If the number of matched times is not used, an exception occurs. Times Tree
least Times's' sub-function, could set the minimum value of repeated matches. Times Tree
most Times's' sub-function, could set the maximum value of repeated matches. Times Tree
range Times's' sub-function, could set the minimum and maximum values of repeated matches. Times Tree

Capture Combinator

Capture Combinator is a combination of sub-capture and monitor, we can set the monitor to achieve grammar-guided translation of some of the functions (such as testing node function, collect node data, data processing)

Combinator Name Description Usage
consume A callback can be inserted in the process of generating the BNF in the process of automatically generating the AST by the BNF. Consume Test
test It is possible to test the correctness of the AST node's information during the automatic generation of the AST by the BNF. Test Test
not It is possible to test the correctness of the AST node's information during the automatic generation of the AST by the BNF. Not Test
collect The generated AST node can be collected during the process of automatically generating the AST node by the BNF. Collect Test


MIT License