
Run a command and report to Riemann

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Run a command and report to Riemann.


Usage: run-and-report.py [options] -- command to run

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        The address of Riemann
                        The port Riemann is running on
  --tags=TAGS           Optional tags for the event
  --ttl=TTL             An optional TTL for the event (in seconds)
  --states=STATES       Describes a mapping of return codes and event states.
                        e.g. ok:0,1|warn:2,3. Return codes without an explicit
                        mapping are assumed error. default=ok:0
  --service=SERVICE     An optional service to the event. Defaults to the
                        basename of the command that's run
  --debug               Output the event before it's sent to Riemann.
  --metric-from-stdout  Use stdout as the metric, rather than elapsed command walltime.

run-and-report.py will run the command string and report that the event occurred. The time it took to run the command will be the metric of the event, unless overridden by --stdout The states argument defines the state of the event based on the return code of the command.


samn@salmon:~ $ run-and-report.py --states "beauty:2,3|ok:0,1" --debug -- ls /dogs
{'description': '\n    STDOUT >>>\n    \n    <<<\n\n    STDERR >>>\n    ls: cannot access /dogs: No such file or directory\n\n    <<<\n    ', 'service': 'ls', 'tags': [], 'metric': 0.0027740001678466797, 'state': 'beauty', 'host': 'salmon', 'attributes': {'command': 'ls /dogs', 'return_code': 2}}
samn@salmon:~ $ run-and-report.py --debug --service 'dogs are cool' --tags dogs,dogges -- 'echo 1 && ls /dogs || echo 2'
{'description': '\n    STDOUT >>>\n    1\n2\n\n    <<<\n\n    STDERR >>>\n    ls: cannot access /dogs: No such file or directory\n\n    <<<\n    ', 'service': 'dogs are cool', 'tags': ['dogs', 'dogges'], 'metric': 0.0026619434356689453, 'state': 'ok', 'host': 'salmon', 'attributes': {'command': 'echo 1 && ls /dogs || echo 2', 'return_code': 0}}


  • bernhard - Python Riemann client
    • requires python-protobuf

Is it any good?
