
Primary LanguageJava

REST API that registers and lists Companies and Employees

MODEL Company:

  • Name
  • CNPJ
  • Telephone
  • Website
  • Industry


  • Name (populated by [RANDOM USER GENERATOR][] on registration)
  • Gender (populated by [RANDOM USER GENERATOR][] on registration)
  • Email (populated by [RANDOM USER GENERATOR][] on registration)
  • CPF
  • Employer (Company)
  • Job Title
  • Seed

Aailable through the API:

  • is able to register a Company
  • is able to return a list with all Companies
  • is able to search for Companies whose name contains a specified word
  • is able to return a list of Companies in a specified Industry
  • is able to return a single Company with a specified id
  • is able to return a list of employees that work at a specified Company
  • is able to register an Employee
  • is able to return a list of all Employees
  • is able to return a list of Employees whose Job Title contains a specified word
  • is able to return a single Employee with a specified id
  • is able to return a list with all supported Industries (List can have any entries, but at least 10 pre-definied items)


The development was based in

  • Spring Framework (Boot,DI, Data) with Java8
  • Gradle
  • An in-memory database H2
  • Jersey framework for JAX-RS
  • Integrations testes with Springboottest
