
Bot - Made with Puppeteer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


🤖 Corrente do Bem Bot 🤖

🔥 Demo   |   

Technologies   |    Run   |    Project info   |   

🚀 Technologies

Project made with:

  • Puppeteer
  • Prompt-Sync
  • PDFKit
  • Fs
  • Colors

🔥 Demo

Note: use for login, email: 'correntebot@gmail.com' and password: 'corrente', but if you prefer, use your data. Demo

📌 Run

For run this project you nedded Git, Node.js(lts-version) =)

## Clone repository
$ git clone https://github.com/lfnandoo/corrente-bot

## Enter in repository
$ cd corrente-bot

## Install dependences
$ npm install

## Start script
$ node index.js

## Wait some seconds.

💻 Project

I got inspired this, I had an idea that it was to make more people able to contribute and make the activity productive. Open issues and pull-requests for improve this project and report any bug.

Made with 💜 by Luiz Fernando 👋 Linkedin