
IMC Calculator - NextJS, ReactJS, Material UI, Sass and Typescript

Primary LanguageTypeScript

🚀 IMC - React, Typescript, Next

🔥 Demo

Technologies   |    Project info   |    Layout   |   

🚀 Technologies

Project made with:

  • React
  • Typescript
  • Next
  • SASS
  • Material UI

📌 Run

For run this project you nedded Git, Node.js and Yarn/Npm =)

## Clone repository
$ git clone https://github.com/lfnandoo/imc-nextjs

## Enter in repository
$ cd imc-nextjs

## Install dependences
$ yarn install
## or
$ npm install

## Start dev server
$ yarn dev
## or
$ npm dev

## Wait some seconds.

💻 Project

Made for learn a little bit SSR with NextJS

🔖 Layout



Made with 💜 by Luiz Fernando 👋 Linkedin