Open Notebook Boilerplate

This is a sample structure for hosting your own version of the Open Notebook. This will run the application and its infrastructure, as well as setup folders for persistence customization. Check out the docs page for more details on how to use all features.

Clone this repository

Start by cloning this repo and cd into it.

git clone
cd open-notebook-boilerplate

Setup the docker.env file

Rename docker.env.example into docker.env and set up your API keys.

cp docker.env.example docker.env

Edit docker.env for your API Keys.

Run the app

docker compose up to bring the service up docker compose down to bring it down

After the app starts, go to http://localhost:8080

Setting up for the first time

After you login for the first time, you'll be required to set up the database. Just click OK and it'll take 5 seconds.

Later, you'll get a warning to setup different models.

Go to Settings page and create 4 models, one for each type.

Error Migrating from v0.1.0

If you are migrating from version v0.1.0, there was a problem in the Surreal SDK that made the migrations count go crazy. So upgrading to 0.1.1 might not trigger the new database migration that is required for this to run.

If that is your case, just follow this:

Start the app.

docker compose up

Enter the docker compose exec mode on the DB machine

docker compose exec surrealdb /surreal sql --endpoint http://localhost:8000 --ns open_notebook --user root --pass root --db open_notebook

Run this command to reset the migration count to the right number:

delete from _sbl_migrations where version > 4;

Then, just run the app on the browser and let it migrate correctly.