
[Swift JSON to Struct, class] MappingAce allows rapid creation of swift struct , Swift class, OC class . Automatic transform dictionary to model(model could be struct), forget to manually write property mapping code

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Swift CocoaPods Compatible Carthage Compatible License

Swift JSON to Struct, class

MappingAce allows rapid creation of struct , Swift class, OC class . Automatic transform dictionary to model(model could be struct), forget to manually write property mapping code


JSON -> Model

Raw struct

// It is recommend to implement protocol `Mapping`, and just implement `Mapping`, no more works
struct PhoneNumber: Mapping{
	var tel: String
	var type: String

let phoneInfo: [String : Any] = [
	"tel": "186xxxxxxxx",
    "type": "work"
let phone = PhoneNumber(fromDic: phoneInfo)

print(phone.tel) //"186xxxxxxxx"
print(phone.type) //"work"

// Struct did not implement the `Mapping` protocol
struct PhoneNumber {
	var tel: String
	var type: String

let phone = MappingAny(type: PhoneEntity.self, fromDic: phoneInfo)
Nested struct mapping
struct User{
    var age: Int
    var name: String
    var phone: PhoneNumber

// if you want your serilized nested struct, just implement the `Mapping` protocol
struct PhoneNumber: Mapping {
    var tel: String
    var type: String

let dic: [String : Any] = [
    "age" : 24,
    "name": "Binglin",
    "phone": phoneInfo

let user = MappingAny(type: User.self, fromDic: dic)
Optional property
struct User{
    var age: Int?
    var name: String?
    var phone: PhoneNumber?

private struct PhoneNumber: Mapping {
    var tel: String
    var type: String

let dic: [String : Any] = [
    "name": "Binglin",

let user = MappingAny(type: User.self, fromDic: dic)

XCTAssertEqual(user.age, nil)
XCTAssertEqual(user.name, "Binglin")
XCTAssertEqual(user.phone?.tel, nil)
XCTAssertEqual(user.phone?.type, nil)

enum type of Int & String is support

// eg: EnumInt
enum Gender: Int, EnumInt{
    case male = 1
    case female = 2

struct User: Mapping{
    var gender: Gender

let dicGender: [String : Any] = ["gender": 1]
let userMale = User(fromDic: dicGender)

XCTAssertEqual(userMale.gender, Gender.male)
// when enum is string type
enum Gender: String, EnumString{
    case male = "m"
    case female = "f"

Struct or class has default property value

protocol: InitMapping (Struct or Class)

// struct
struct User: InitMapping{
    var name: String = "default"
    var age: Int?

let dic: [String : Any] = ["age": 14]
let user = User(fromDic: dic)

print(user.name) //"default"
print(user.age)  //14

// class
// need to implement an empty initializer.
class User: NSObject, InitMapping{
    var name: String = "default"
    var age: Int?

    required override init() {}/*required*/

let dic: [String : Any] = ["name" : "IB"]
let user = User(fromDic: dic)

Model -> JSON

// for object implement Mapping or InitMapping
struct PhoneNumber: Mapping {
    var tel: String
    var type: String

let phone = PhoneNumber(tel: "186xxxxxxxx", type: "work")
let toDic = phone.toDictionary()
print(toDic) // ["type": "work", "tel": "186xxxxxxxx"]

// for object do not implement Mapping or InitMapping
// just implement protocol Serializable
struct PhoneNumber: `Serializable` {
    var tel: String
    var type: String

let phone = PhoneNumber(tel: "186xxxxxxxx", type: "work")
let toDic = phone.toDictionary()
print(toDic) // ["type": "work", "tel": "186xxxxxxxx"]


Installation with CocoaPods


To integrate MappingAce into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'TargetName' do
pod 'MappingAce', '~> 1.0.1'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

Installation with Carthage

To integrate MappingAce into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "IcyButterfly/MappingAce" ~> 1.0.1

Run carthage to build the framework and drag the built MappingAce.framework into your Xcode project.