
An open source set of guidelines around setting up GAEN risk scores.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Google Apple Exposure Notification Risk Scoring

An open source set of guidelines around setting up GAEN risk scores. As we learn more we expect this to grow and evolve - please add your contributions and suggestions.

The guidelines created by the Risk Scoring Symposium Invitational working group can be found here.

Please submit any changes via pull request (instructions here) or by emailing risk-scoring@lists.lfph.io with your contribution.

To subscribe to get updates on progress and discussions around these settings, send a blank email to risk-scoring+subscribe@lists.lfph.io.

How to update

All changes must be made by pull release. When a PR is accepted, the change must be logged in the changelog. One of the project maintainers will update the version accordingly.