Primary LanguageJavaScript


CSC510 Software Engineering HW1

  • Steps to Run:
    • Clone the repository: git clone https://github.ncsu.edu/ssrivas8/HW1
    • Cd to HW1 directory: cd HW1
    • Do npm install inside the HW1 folder to install all the dependencies specified in the package.json.
    • To run the scripts type: node <scriptname>.js , where scriptname is the name of the script to be run.

**Note: For the scripts, you need to enter your github token, your github username (from public GitHub) and your reponame in the token, owner and reponame variables inside all the scripts. For my testing, I have used the following repo on my public GitHub: se_hw1_sample

  1. Additional concerns related to REST APIs:

    • Ambiguous usage and different interpretations of the Response Codes. For example, on succesfully creating a record, some APIs might return Code 200 OK while others might return Code 201 Created.
    • They are difficult to debug: There are a number of things that could go wrong at nultiple places, for example - the end point, the route mapping, the request mapping, etc.
    • Difficult to maintain: It is difficult to maintain a large codebase for a REST API as it would involve a lot of refactoring moreover, it could be tricky to remove old endpoints as some users might still be using it.
    • They are closely coupled with HTTP (usually)
  2. Benefits and disadvantages of using a RESTful architecture vs. a graph query language:

  • Benefits

    • REST offers hypermedia controls, GraphQL does not.
    • REST provides easy chaching unlike GraphQL
  • Disadvantages

    • GraphQL puts client performance first
    • It is lightweight
    • It reduces network overhead as it doesn't require multiple calls to fetch the data.
  • Link to GitHub Pages webpage: About Me