Industry Logger Admin Frontend



Industry Logger is a software to receive and translate Industrial PLC binary code to be watched anytime, anywhere.`


With a Raspberry Pi connected via ModBus to the PLC, the raw information(binary) can be sent to our Nest.js Server(see Industry Logger Backend).
The Admin Frontend is where the technical information is provided to translate the binary into valid data.



To run this project you will need:


The steps to run this project are:

  • Go to the root folder, .../industry-logger-admin-web-frontend
  • Run npm install or yarn install.
  • Run npm serve or yarn serve.
  • Have fun!

Important Libraries

The libraries that are important for this project are:

  • Vue
  • Vuex
  • Bootstrap Vue
  • Axios
  • Lodash
  • Vee Validate
  • Vue Sweet Alert 2