
Simple example of websocket echo server using oatpp-websocket

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This example is outdated. Instead see: https://github.com/oatpp/example-websocket

Websocket echo server

Example of multithreaded WebSocket echo server implemented with oatpp simple APIs.

More about oat++:


Project layout

|- CMakeLists.txt                        // projects CMakeLists.txt
|- src/
|    |
|    |- controller/                      // Folder containing MyController where "/websocket-connect" endpoint is declared
|    |- websocket/                       // Folder where WebSocket listeners are declared
|    |- dto/                             // DTOs are declared here
|    |- AppComponent.hpp                 // Service config
|    |- Logger.hpp                       // Application Logger
|    |- App.cpp                          // main() is here
|- test/                                 // test folder
|- utility/install-oatpp-modules.sh      // utility script to install required oatpp-modules.

Build and Run

Using CMake

  • oatpp and oatpp-websocket modules installed. You may run utility/install-oatpp-modules.sh script to install required oatpp modules.
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make 
$ ./my-project-exe  # - run application.

In Docker

$ docker build -t oatpp-example-websocket .
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 -t oatpp-example-websocket

Connect to Server

Endpoint - ws://localhost:8000/websocket-connect.

You may use http://www.websocket.org/echo.html online tool to test your websocket server.