##ABOUT FOOD-FLIX is an application that generates a movie and recipe selection for the user, with just the click of a button.

##User Story AS A person who is indecisive about which films to watch and recipes to cook during movie nights

I WANT to be able to open an app and click a button

SO THAT it will automatically generate a movie and food suggestion for me

##Acceptance Criteria: GIVEN a randomized movie and recipe generator

WHEN I click a button THEN I am presented with a random recipe to make with an image and instructions

WHEN I click save for later THEN my selection saves in my favorites tab

WHEN I click a different button THEN I am presented with a random movie selection with an image and movie title

WHEN I click save for later THEN my selection saves in my favorites tab


As a group of fellow indecisive team members, we wanted to create an application that easily generated a date night idea by the click of a button. A lot of couples often experience indecisiveness when choosing a movie to watch or a meal to eat, sometimes never coming to an agreement. With our webpage, we wanted to build something both functional and usable to help the indecisive couples finally find a meal to make as well as dinner to watch. With our random recipe and movie generator buttons, you can generate multiple meals and recipes with just a simple click of a button. Not only that, but you can save a recipe or movie for later that maybe you loved, or simply want to come back to. We found our finished project is a simple, refined webpage that is very easy to navigate. We learned to effectively communicate and collaborate using Github and teamwork. We used Bulma to style our webpage, which was at first difficult to grasp but quickly made an appealing design. We ran into some trouble with the save for later buttons and using local storage to display our saved favorites onto the page. We all learned a lot about problem solving with a team as well as API’s and LocalStorage.



What are the steps required to install your project? Provide a step-by-step description of how to get the development environment running.


-When pressing “Click for a Recipe”, a random recipe will be generated with an image and instructions on how to prepare the meal. -If the recipe is appealing to the user, they may click “save for later” to save to their local storage for future use. -When pressing “Click for a Movie”, a random movie will be generated with the title and image of the movie. -If the user wants to save the movie for a future reference, they may click “save for later.”

The following images show the web application’s appearance and functionality:

##Credits: Lily Namou - Fiona Carroll- Cody Polland- Lucas Garcia-


##Links Deployed:

Github Repo: