
Some simple JS exercises for beginners to start with.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Some simple JS exercises for beginners to start with.

The exercises are located in the js-exercises/exercises folder and they look like this:

 * Greets the world with your first steps!
 * @return {str}
function hello() {
  let output = null;
  // put your code between here

  // and here
  return output;

// exporting to be able to test it
module.exports = hello;


  • Put your solution in the stated place between the comments
  • Don't modify the rest of the code ❌
  • Enjoy the process 😊


Once you have written your solution and you want to check if everything is correct, in the terminal use:


to run all exercises tests or

make lesson0

to run only the dedicated tests. In this case the ones only for the lesson0.js file.

You should be seeing something like

$ make lesson0
Testing ./exercises/lesson0.js file:
  1: Testing that it returns Hello World! => Fail: got null and was expecting Hello World!