
Enhanced BASIC 6502 with patches, and build/test/customization system

Primary LanguageAssembly

Enhanced BASIC 6502 with patches, and build/test/customization system

Important description and conditions from the author of Enhanced BASIC:

Enhanced BASIC is a BASIC interpreter for the 6502 family microprocessors. It is constructed to be quick and powerful and easily ported between 6502 systems. It requires few resources to run and includes instructions to facilitate easy low level handling of hardware devices. It also retains most of the powerful high level instructions from similar BASICs.

EhBASIC is free but not copyright free. For non commercial use there is only one restriction, any derivative work should include, in any binary image distributed, the string "Derived from EhBASIC" and in any distribution that includes human readable files a file that includes the above string in a human readable form e.g. not as a comment in an HTML file.

For commercial use please contact Lee Davison at leeedavison@googlemail.com for conditions.

My comment: the original version on basic.asm can be found as doc/basic_original.asm

My modifications, additions (based on others' work too)

This project is derived from EhBASIC. My goal with this repository includes:

  • Clean compilation with a modern assembler (ca65 from cc65 suite)
  • Conditionally applicable patches can be found on the Net for EhBasic, with simple -D statements given to the assembler
  • No, or minimal hacking of basic.asm to allow to compile for different systems, with different needs
  • Exploit the nature of cc65 suite, ie using the linker (ld65) to link the "EhBASIC core" with the custom parts
  • Simple build with a 'make' command or so
  • Easy testing without complicated tasks, 'make test' is enough

My additions to this project can be treated as "public domain", though please do not forget, that many parts has its own copyrights and conditions, especially EhBasic! My statement is only true on parts written by me.

Detailed features, additions, modifications

  • Modified basic.asm for clean compilation with ca65, without the need to enable "legacy" features (like labels wthout colons)
  • Using an own segment definition instead of "ORG" and similar things
  • Conditionally applicable patches with -D statements for ca65 NOTE: these patches are not (or mainly not) written by me! Please read files doc/mixed_case_keywords_mod.txt and doc/bugsnquirks.txt about the origins, greetings to their authors!
  • Some things exported/imported at linker level between the "EhBasic core" (basic.asm) and "skeleton"
  • An example for the latter is provided, more will come
  • You can actually try and run EhBasic without much complication with including a simplified and modified (by me) version of Mike Naberezny's Python based Py65 project from here: https://github.com/mnaberez/py65


  • Add more patches, custom modifications
  • Add other examples, not only for the Python test environment, but for real computers as well
  • Consider the usage of a "full screen editor" as C64 would do, and try to interface that with the EhBasic core
  • Implement a better console for Py65, with Windows compatilibity too (actually Py65 has one, though it was easier for me to start with an ncurses based one)

Build instructions

You need a UNIX-like operating system, with make, Python (including the curses module), and ca65 installed. You need to say 'make' for compilation. You can also build/try the result with: 'make test'.

pytest.asm is the "skeleton" uses basic.asm "core" for this test, pytest.asm also functions as an example how to use the "core" (also check Makefile for -D stuffs). Result is pytest.bin which should be used with the included Pythonic 6502 emulator. Project used pytest.cfg as the linker configuration file for ld65.


Patches can be enabled with giving a -D statement to the assembler. Optionally you can write an "includer wrapper" which defines that needed patches and includes basic.asm then. For the Makefile, it means -DBLAH for option BLAH for "D" meaning "define". List of options/patches (without the -D part):


Patches the tokenizer. EhBASIC by default only allows upper cases BASIC keywords to be entered. It can be very annoying for a system having upper and lower case too. This patch allows any (even mixed) case the keywords to be entered, though on listing you will still see upper cased keywords only.

Source of the patch: user ArnoldLayne of the 6502.org, http://forum.6502.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4383


EhBASIC uses BCD mode at a single place to convert values to hex digits. It uses the so called "invalid BCD trick", which - said to be - a potential problem on some (?) CPUs. I am not sure about this, but anyway. Enabling this patch causes to stop using this BCD mode.

Source of the patch: ??


EhBASIC asks the memory size to use. With this patch enabled, Ram_Top will be used without question, and all the code (and question string) won't be compiled in. This can be useful in some cases, if you know your memory size.

Source of the patch: me (LGB)