
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

CI python versions


Environment Setup

  1. Download miniconda (and despite the warning the installed gives, make sure to select the "Add Anaconda to my PATH enviroment variable" option)
  2. If you don't already have windows build tools installed, install them from here: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/
  3. From Anaconda Prompt (miniconda3)1, execute conda create --name py37 python=3.7
  4. Execute conda activate py37
  5. Execute conda install astropy h5py beautifulsoup4 html5lib bleach pyyaml pandas sortedcontainers pytz setuptools mpmath bottleneck ipython pip
  6. Execute pip install -U transitleastsquares
  7. Execute pip install -U wotan
  8. cd into the top level sunnyhills directory on your machine within the conda prompt (for me this is cd Documents then cd GitHub then cd sunnyhills)
  9. Execute the command conda install conda-build
  10. Execute conda develop .
  11. Execute pip install -e .
    • Note that if you ever want to uninstall the sunnyhills repo, you can use pip uninstall . or conda develop -u .
  12. To start using this environment in VSCode, go to view then command palette then Python: Select Interpreter then click Enter interpreter path... then enter the path to the python.exe file within the environment folder oft this enviroment you just made. For me, this is something like C:\Users\Research\miniconda3\envs\py37\python.exe (note that you can find the environment under envs under miniconda3)

Finally, you should now be able to use everything in this perfectly working environment!

[1] I recommend pinning the Anaconda Prompt to your taskbar once you find it (for me it's located around C:\Users\Research\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Anaconda3 (64-bit)\Anaconda Prompt (miniconda3).lnk). I wouldn't use the Anaconda Powershell Prompt because I didn't test this approach on it.

  • Also note that you might have to launch VSCode from Anaconda Prompt (execute code) after activating the virtual environment.

Miscellaneous Notes

  • Colab Setup: 1). pip3 install wotan, transitleastsquares, and lightkurve 2). install fortan via sudo apt-get install gfortran 3). Update matplotlib version via pip3 install 'matplotlib==3.3.1'
  • Installing the sunnyhills python package
    • Not really recommended way to do things anymore, just keeping it here for storage.
    • $ python setup.py develop, when executed under the directory of this repository, will install the sunnyhills python package to your computer's working path. It'll also let you edit code in /sunnyhills/, and then import it from anywhere else on your computer.
  • Shields: pretty nice website for shields

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