This is a pytorch implementation of Listen, Attend and Spell (LAS) published in ICASSP 2016 (Student Paper Award). Please feel free to use/modify them, any bug report or improvment suggestion will be appreciated.
This implement achieves 40% phoneme error rate on TIMIT (using original setting in the paper without hyper parameter tuning). It's not a remarkable score but please notice that deep end2end ASR without special designed loss function such as LAS requires larger corpus to achieve outstanding performance. As a comparison, my another implement of CTC(coming soon) achieves about 32% error rate with the exact same input and experiment setting.
Be aware of some difference between this implementation and the origianl proposed model:
Smaller Dataset
Originally, LAS was trained on Google's private voice search dataset representing 2000 hours of data plus additional data augmentation. Here the model was trained on TIMIT, a MUCH smaller dataset, without any data augmentation.
Different Target
Evaluation criterion is Word Error Rate (WER) on the output phoneme (61 classes in TIMIT) sequence instead of real sentences composed of real words.
Simplified Speller
Speller contains a single layer LSTM instaed of 2 layer LSTM proposed. According to the reponse I got from a letter I wrote to the author, using single layer can get similar result.
- python 3
- GPU computing is recommanded for training efficiency
Command line tool for transforming raw wave file in TIMIT from NIST to RIFF
A python package for exarcting MFCC features during preprocessing
pytorch (0.3.0 or later version)
Please use pytorch after version 0.3.0 which the softmax bug on 3D input is fixed.
Package for calculating edit distance (Levenshtein distance).
TIMIT Dataset Preprocess
Please prepare TIMIT dataset without modifying the file structure of it and run the following command to preprocess it from wave to mfcc 26 before training.
./util/ <TIMIT folder>
After preprocessing step,
should be under your timit folder. Add your data path to config file. -
LAS Model
mkdir -p checkpoint mkdir -p log python3 <config file path>
Training log will be stored at
while model checkpoint atcheckpoint/
For a customized experiment, please read and modify
For more information and a simple demonstration, please refer to
- Experiment on WSJ dataset
- Special thanks to William Chan, the first author of LAS, for answering my questions during implementation.
- TIMIT preprocessing :