

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Deploying Dockerized App on AWS EKS Cluster using ArgoCD and GitOps methodology with CircleCI

This repository contains the code of the React application called ToDo-App. I've created this to Deploy it on the Kubernetes cluster by GitOps workflow.

💪Complete Hands-on video tutorial for this project. Click here 👇

GitOps , ArgoCD, Terraform


Architecture Diagram

List of AWS services

  • Amazon EKS
  • Amazon VPC
  • Amazon IAM
  • Amazon EC2
  • Amazon Autoscaling
  • Amazon S3
  • DynamoDB

Tech stack

  • React Js

This project contains Three GitHub repositories

➡️ [App Code] (https://github.com/piyushsachdeva/AppCode)

➡️ [Terraform code] (https://github.com/piyushsachdeva/10weeksofcloudops-week4-tf)

➡️ [Manifest Repo] (https://github.com/piyushsachdeva/kube_manifest)